

At KSI Auditing, we are committed to conducting our operations with the highest standards of integrity, professionalism, and ethics. KSI Auditing recognizes and respects fundamental human rights, in accordance with the principles established in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) and other applicable international regulations. We are committed to acting consistently with these principles in all our operations and business relationships. This Code of Conduct describes the principles and expectations for all employees and representatives involved in our operational activities.

1 Compliance with Laws and Workplace Regulations

1.1. KSI Auditing is committed to operating in full compliance with all applicable laws and workplace regulations.

1.2. All employees/representatives must be aware of and adhere to local, national, and international laws relevant to their roles.

1.3. KSI Auditing will conduct regular reviews to ensure ongoing compliance with all applicable laws and workplace regulations and will promptly address any identified issues.

2 Prohibition of Forced Labor

2.1. KSI Auditing strictly prohibits the use of forced labor in ANY form.

2.2. All employment must be voluntary, and employees/representatives have the right to terminate their employment/labor relationship at any time.

2.3. We do not engage in any practices that restrict the freedom of movement of employees/representatives.

3 Prohibition of Child Labor

3.1. KSI Auditing does not employ individuals below the legal working age in any jurisdiction where we operate.

3.2. We support and adhere to international standards concerning the prohibition of child labor.


4. Prohibition of Harassment and Abuse

4.1. KSI Auditing is committed to providing a work environment free from harassment, discrimination, and abuse.

4.2. All employees/representatives are expected to treat each other with respect, dignity, and professionalism.

4.3. Any form of harassment, bullying, or abuse will not be tolerated and will be promptly addressed.

4.4. Harassment is considered any unwanted conduct, gesture, comment, ridicule, or intimidation that results in the creation of a hostile work environment or that negatively affects an employee/representatives’ ability to perform. Abuse, including but not limited to physical intimidation, threats, or any offensive behavior, is also strictly prohibited.

5. Compensation and Benefits

5.1. KSI Auditing provides fair and competitive compensation and benefits in accordance with applicable laws.

5.2. Transparent communication about the structure of compensation and benefits is a priority.

6. Hours of Work

6.1. KSI Auditing adheres to legal limits on working hours and ensures that employees have adequate rest and time off.

6.2. Overtime work is voluntary, and appropriate compensation is provided accordance with all applicable laws and workplace regulations.

7. Prohibition of Discrimination

7.1. KSI Auditing promotes a workplace free from discrimination based on race, gender, religion, sexual orientation, disability, or any other protected characteristic.

7.2. Decisions regarding recruitment, promotion, and other employment practices are made without discrimination.


8. Health and Safety

8.1. At KSI Auditing is our priority to safeguard the health of our employees/representatives. The organization recognizes the potential impact of overwork on your physical and mental well-being and the importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

8.2 KSI Auditing provides a safe and healthy work environment to prevent accidents and mitigate health risks arising from, related to, or occurring during or as a result of work.

9. Freedom of Association and Collective Bargaining

9.1. Employees have the right to freely associate and engage in collective bargaining.

9.2. KSI Auditing respects the rights of employees to organize without fear of reprisal.

10. Environment

10.1. KSI Auditing is committed to minimizing its environmental impact.

10.2. We adhere to environmental laws and regulations and strive to implement sustainable practices.

11. Grievance Mechanism and No Retaliation Policy

11.1. KSI Auditing establishes a clear complaints mechanism for employees, representatives, and any interested parties to report concerns or complaints.

11.2. Retaliation against employees, representatives and any interested parties who raise legitimate concerns is strictly prohibited.

12. Subcontracting and Suppliers

12.1. KSI Auditing encourages subcontractors, suppliers and business partner to the same ethical standards outlined in this code of conduct.

13. Integrity and Impartiality

13.1. KSI Auditing conducts business with honesty, transparency, and integrity.

13.2. Decisions are made impartially, free from conflicts of interest or bias.

14. Ethics

14.1. All employees/representatives are expected to uphold high ethical standards in their professional conduct.

14.2 KSI Auditing promotes a culture of integrity, honesty, and accountability.

15. Confidentiality

15.1  We will maintain the confidentiality of all information obtained during the services process, respecting the privacy rights of individuals and organizations.

15.2. Information will only be disclosed as required by law or with explicit consent.

16. Anti-Corruption Measures

16.1  We pledge to adhere to the highest standards of integrity and ethics, refraining from any form of corruption in our services activities.

16.2. Bribery, kickbacks, or any unethical practices are strictly prohibited.

17. Independence and Objectivity

17.1. We commit to maintaining independence and objectivity in all services activities, ensuring unbiased assessments.

17.2  Our audit decisions shall be free from undue influence or conflict of interest.

This Code of Conduct serves as a guide to ethical and legal behavior for all employees and representatives involved in our operational activities. Violations may result in disciplinary action, including termination.